BVB Vidyashram conducted Investiture ceremony of the school ceremonials and prefectorial council on April 30, 2024 in Maharana Pratap Auditorium. Ms Preeti Sangwan the principal of the school administered the oath of office to all the office bearers. The council comprised Headboy, Head Girl Deputy Head boy and Deputy head girl along with Sports Captain and Cultural Secretary. Oath of office was also administered to the house prefects of all the four houses, namely Aravali, Nilgiri, Shivalik and Vindhyachal.While speaking on the occasion the principal called upon the ceremonial heads and Council members to follow the principles of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Head girl Sanchi Karnawat and Head boy Vidant Hada expressed their gratitude and assured the school to perform their duties with utmost sincerity.