Investiture ceremony of Primary Section BVB Vidyashram for academic session 2024-25 was held on 01.05.2024. Principal Smt. Preeti Sangwan, Vice Principal Sri Atul Kulshrestha, Headmistress (Balwadi) Smt. Anu Sood and Co- ordinator (std I and II) Smt. Jyotsna Laiker graced the occasion. The ceremony commenced with the school Vedic prayer. The Principal administered the oath. The council members pledged to abide by all the rules and traditions of the school and also to shoulder the responsibilities bestowed upon them with dedication and commitment. Council members were conferred with sashes and badges by the honorable dignitaries. The newly elected Head boy and Head girl delivered their introductory speeches followed by the Principal’s address to the newly elected council. The ceremony was held with much enthusiasm and dignity and concluded with national anthem.