“Make Everyday Earth Day’
Earth day is a great opportunity to teach children about the importance of taking care of our planet and being environmentally conscious. It helps to inculcate values of conservation, sustainability, and appreciation for nature from a young age. With this aim Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 2024 by the Primary Wing .Different activities throughout the day were conducted from Grade I to V to promote environment stewardship. The day began with the assembly talk and the pledge taken by the students to keep our mother Earth clean.The students of Grade I and III participated in Plantation drive .The paper bags were beautifully crafted by the talented hands of Grade II students with a message “Say no to plastic and save our beautiful planet “.Poetry in motion activity was organized for std IV and V in which students expressed their love for the nature through self composed poems and jingles Water and electricity saviour champs were also appointed to check the unnecessary wastage of water and electricity on their respective floors. These activities created awareness about the environmental issues and encouraged actions to protect our planet.
Class III to V