Smt. Neha Jain Grover, Founder Vatsalya Legacy Educational Society conducted a Workshop on Mind Mapping and Word Mapping for the Primary Teachers of B.V.B Vidyashram K.M. Munshi Marg, on 5 March 2024.
The Workshop enriched the teachers with an innovative pedagogy which would make the teaching learning process interesting and stimulating by involving the students. A few activities were conducted during the session where the teachers presented complex ideas in an easier way through Mind Mapping. Such techniques will help in better understanding and delivering a topic in a more effective manner.
Teachers learnt to make basic Mind Maps which would help them in connecting the ideas and making a topic interesting for children and the concept learnt to be retained by the children for a longer time.
In order to help the students to enrich their vocabulary and connect ideas to build a story, teachers learnt and showcased their creativity by building Word Maps.
The objective of the workshop was achieved to a great extent by the following take-aways:
- Create mind maps to make a topic easy to understand, think creatively, remember and retain the knowledge acquired.
- Make students better thinkers.
- Integration of drawing and diagrams in linking the key words and connecting topics.
- Use of colours, images/ symbols appropriately.
- Enhance creative problem solving.
- Topics to create mind maps can be assigned to students first and then teachers can add their inputs.